
How To Use Handcuffs In Ark

Cop Tools:

Handcuffs: Allows cop to abort people who are knocked down simply only those who have wanted which is gained for killing or robbing a bank/shop.

Cleaning Saucepan: Allows cops to clean graffiti which is painted by the spray can

Handcuff & Cleaning bucket Cost
All cops get it for free as they demand it

Gang tools:

Spray tin can: Paints the grouping logo on any surface.

Spray Can Price


AR: A great gun, an assault burglarize which is great at medium range and medium dmg. AR Silencer is just a more silent version - everything else seems similar.

AR Cost Ammo Price
1000 75 $ for 100

Shotgun: A great gun for close up surprising an enemy as it usually one shots, slow reloading, inaccurate at medium-long range.

Shotgun Toll Ammo Toll
1250 $ 60 $ for 20

Silencer: A gun which makes trivial dissonance, Same as the Glock.

Silencer Cost Ammo Price
550 $ fifty $ for 25

SMG/P90: A fast and good gun, inaccurate at medium-long range.

P90 is the same thing but a dissimilar model and deals a scrap more dmg.

SMG COST P90 Cost SMG Ammo Cost P90 Ammo Cost
750 $ sixty $ for 80

Glock: Same as the silencer but louder, Cheap and like shooting fish in a barrel to become gun.

Glock Cost Ammo Toll
500 $ threescore $ for 25

Grenade: A hand-thrown explosive which detonates a few seconds after being thrown. Deals the same dmg as an RPG just cannot fly in a straight line and does not explode on contact. Good for destroying walls.

Grenade Toll
1250 $

RPG: Basically launches a grenade which flies in a straight line and explodes on contact with any physical object. Causes a 3-4 stud explosion which is adept for destroying walls.

RPG Price Ammo Cost
6000 $ thou $ for 5


Flashlight: The flashlight simply is turned on to shine a calorie-free when exploring night corners of the map.

Flashlight Cost
10 $

Telephone: A simple phone which you lot tin apply to call someone, y'all can enable airplane fashion to make sure no i calls you too equally bearding mode (game pass) if yous don't desire to know who y'all are calling someone else. Yous can also make a custom ringtone if you own a game pass. When you lot are being called (if airplane mode is off) you will hear a telephone ringing but if yous don't hear that you can see the icon of the phone in your inventory vibrating.

Phone cost
Gratuitous - yous spawn with it

Lockpick: Allows you to open closed doors past playing a modest game where you lot have to land an accelerating stick on a certain indicate which is notwithstanding.

Lockpick Cost
125 $

Wallet: Shows how much money you have (merely you lot already see that in the bottom right corner so you tin can apply that wallet to drop coin, there is no limit). Currently: Brought dorsum to the game.


Knife: The same every bit fists but it ignores a percent of someone blocking every bit well as increases DPS, can be charged similar a fist.

Knife Toll
150 $

Fist: Can be charged to deal massive dmg. You spawn every time with it. It's a tool which tin break cash registers open.

Fist Price
Costless - You spawn with it

Central: Can be used to unlock handcuffs and break free yourself or break someone else out of them (unless your an exploiter which disables the key working).

Key Cost
125 $

Baseball Bat:

Strongest DPS (Damage per second/shot when charged). Stronger than a knife and fists but its slower than a knife. 1-shots when charged almost everyone (except people with superpowers). Can also break open cash registers.

Baseball game Bat Toll
300 $

Stop sign:

Same as the baseball bat (reskin) but information technology just deals a fleck more dmg, also it has a larger range.

End Sign Cost
300 $

How To Use Handcuffs In Ark,


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