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Sparkling candles are a great way to add some actress flair to a birthday celebration! Unlike sparklers, these candles should be inserted into the cake before being lit. In one case you've taken some precautions to remove whatsoever burn hazards from near the sparkling candles, you're prepare to calorie-free them with either a lucifer or long-reach lighter. With a simple switch, you lot can merchandise out your usual wax candles for some fun sparkling candles that will make your cakes and other celebratory desserts unforgettable!

  1. 1

    Avert wearing billowy sleeves while lighting the candles. Continue your outfit in mind when preparing to ignite a set of sparkling candles. While there isn't a strict dress code for lighting these special items, try not to wear any garment with long, swoopy sleeves that could catch on the flames. Instead, slip on a shirt that fits your arms comfortably without dangling.[1]

    • If you're attending a commemoration in warm weather condition, endeavor wearing a T-shirt or tank tiptop instead!
  2. 2

    Bank check that nothing is well-nigh the candles that could grab fire. Make sure that the dessert is fix away from the edge of a table or counter where it could slip or slide off. Additionally, make sure that there are no tall items or paper products (eastward.chiliad., napkins, paper towels) that could catch burn from the moving flames on the sparkling candles.[2]

    • You tin e'er motion the cake or other dessert back to a more crowded area after y'all've extinguished the candles.


  3. 3

    Ready aside a pocket-sized number of candles to use. Don't become overboard with the number of candles you put into the cake. While it might seem fun to have 20 candles in a single block, yous won't detect it as enjoyable to lookout man as the sparkling candles fire at different lengths.[3]

    Tip: If you want to light a big number of candles, have an additional person with a match or lighter nearby to help you light more of the candles.

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  1. ane

    Stick the candles into the block or pastry before lighting them. Place each sparkling candle nigh 5 millimetres (0.xx in) into the surface of the cake. Try to continue the candles on a apartment surface, since the flames will exist moving and dancing around. Check that each candle can stand up on its own earlier lighting any of them.[4]

    Tip: Sparkling candles work best on desserts with a smoothen surface, similar cakes, cupcakes and creamy pies. Yous might not have as much success placing these candles on a cookie or crustier pie.

  2. 2

    Use a friction match to light the candle if you lot don't mind being close to the flame. Strike a match and expect for the end of the stick to ignite. Agree the matchstick at a 90-degree bending and so the tip can securely achieve the wick of the candle. Once the sparkling candle is lit, continue lighting the residual of the candles. If y'all're only lighting one, blow on the match or shake it out to extinguish the flame.[v]

    • Always concur a match by the very edge of the stick so y'all don't burn down yourself.
    • Some sparkling candles down accept a wick, just a metallic coating instead. Make sure that you're lightning the candle on the tip of the metal blanket if this is the instance.
  3. 3

    Light the candle with a long-reach lighter to keep a distance from the sparkler. Click the igniter button along the handle of a long-reach lighter and wait for a flame to appear. Keep holding the igniter as yous tilt the lighter downward, keeping the flame on top of the candle. One time the sparkling candle is lit successfully, move the lighter over to the next candle.[6]

    • Continue belongings downward the igniter push button until all necessary candles are lit.

    Tip: You lot might have to hover the flame over the candles to ignite them. Go on the matchstick or lighter correct next to or on top of the wick or metallic surface until the flame appears. Depending on the type of candle, it might have longer or shorter than 3 seconds for information technology to calorie-free up.[7]

  4. 4

    Check that the flames are extinguished before removing the candles. Be positive that the flame of the sparkling candle is completely out earlier you offset taking out any of the private candles. Due to the magnesium pulverization in these candles, they tend to reignite unexpectedly.[8]

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Things Yous'll Need

  • Match
  • Long-reach lighter
  • Use farthermost caution whenever yous work with matches or lighters. Sparkling candles tin can reignite unexpectedly, and you lot don't want to burn down yourself in the process.[9]


  • If you lot're comfortable, you lot tin can as well use a cigarette lighter to ignite your sparkling candles.

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